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Relationships generating problems and solutions
Information about these categories is organized in REFLECTOGRAMS (learn more)
Exercising outer control – Losing control
Deconstructive TIPS
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (1) via intention-effect (#1)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (2) via externalization (#1)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (3) via externalizing a problem-strengthening IDEA (#1)
Constructive TIPS
Tips to co-construct antidote (1) Via unique outcome (#1)
Tips to co-construct antidote (2) Via exception (#1)
Tips to co-construct antidote (3) Via thickening preferences (#1)
Often associated with Presented Concerns such as: beating, blowing up, defending, defying, denying, fights, hyperactivity, imposing, insulting, lack of self-control, losing control, manipulating, melting down, misbehaving, neglecting, opposing, outburst, pressuring, protesting, regressive behavior, resisting injustice, restlessness, self-protecting, yelling, hitting, Bitterness exasperation fury indignation irritation madness outburst resentment temper violence blowup explosion ire storm tantrum upset rage swearing fighting excluding judging intolerance tolerating differences correcting commanding temper, aggression
Attacking – Counterattacking
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (1) via intention-effect (#47)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (2) via externalization (#47)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (3) via externalizing a problem-strengthening IDEA (#47)
Tips to co-construct antidote (1) via unique outcomes (#47)
Tips to co-construct antidote (2) via exception (#47)
Tips to co-construct antidote (3) via thickening preferences (#47)
Often associated with Presented Concerns such as: attacking, counterattacking, frustration management anger management beating, blowing up, defending, defying, denying, fights, hyperactivity, imposing, insulting, lack of self-control, losing control, manipulating, melting down, misbehaving, neglecting, opposing, outburst, pressuring, protesting, regressive behavior, resisting injustice, restlessness, self-protecting, yelling, hitting, Bitterness exasperation fury indignation irritation madness outburst resentment temper violence blowup explosion ire storm tantrum upset rage swearing fighting temper, aggression
Disqualifying or invalidating response – Attacking or hitting
Deconstructive TIPs
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (1) via intention-effect (#28)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (2) via externalization (#28)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (3) via externalizing a problem-strengthening IDEA (#28)
Constructive TIPs
Tips to co-construct antidote (1) via unique outcomes (#28)
Tips to co-construct antidote (2) via exception (#28)
Tips to co-construct antidote (3) via thickening preferences (#28)
Often associated with Presented Concerns such as: frustration management anger management beating, blowing up, defending, defying, denying, fights, hyperactivity, imposing, insulting, lack of self-control, losing control, manipulating, melting down, misbehaving, neglecting, opposing, outburst, pressuring, protesting, regressive behavior, resisting injustice, restlessness, self-protecting, yelling, hitting, Bitterness exasperation fury indignation irritation madness outburst resentment temper violence blowup explosion ire storm tantrum upset rage swearing fighting temper, aggression
Tolerating aggression (caving) – Attacking
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (1) via intention-effect (#30)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (2) via externalization (#30)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (3) via externalizing a problem-strengthening IDEA (#30)
Tips to co-construct antidote (1) via unique outcomes (#30)
Tips to co-construct antidote (2) via exception (#30)
Tips to co-construct antidote (3) via thickening preferences (#30)
Often associated with Presented Concerns such as: abandoning, aggression, attacking, beating, blowing up, defending, defying, dominating, fighting, fights, fury, insisting, giving in, giving up, hitting, imposing, insulting, irritation, manipulating, minimizing, missing learning, protecting, rage, self-protecting, storm, submitting, swearing, threatening, threats, tolerating, upset, violence, withdrawing, yelling, temper, pushing
Blaming and Criticizing – Avoiding, Distancing, Defending , Ignoring
Deconstructive TIPS
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (1) via intention-effect (#2)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (2) via externalization (#2)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (3) via externalizing a problem-strengthening IDEA (#2)
Constructive TIPS
Tips to co-construct antidote (1) via unique outcomes (#2)
Tips to co-construct antidote (2) via exception (#2)
Tips to co-construct antidote (3) via thickening preferences (#2)
Often associated with Presented Concerns such as: accusing, anger, avoiding, chasing, clamming up, commanding, condemning, distancing, frustration, Ignoring, imposing, insisting, nagging, non-compliance, non-complying, overwhelming, shutting, threatening, yelling
Demanding honesty and threatening punishment – Lying or Stealing
Deconstructive TIPs
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (1) via intention-effect (#46)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (2) via externalization (#46)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (3) via externalizing a problem-strengthening IDEA (#46)
Constructive TIPs
Tips to co-construct antidote (1) via unique outcomes (#46)
Tips to co-construct antidote (2) via exception (#46)
Tips to co-construct antidote (3) via thickening preferences (#46)
Often associated with Presented Concerns such as: accusing, antisocial, avoiding, blaming, cheating, denying, dishonesty, evading, hiding, lying, nagging, pressuring, punishing, stealing, suspicious, threatening
Questioning the other – Questioning oneself
Deconstructive TIPS
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (1) via separating intention-effect
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (2) via externalization (#27)
Tips to weaken problematic interactions (3) via externalizing a problem-strengthening IDEA (#27)
Constructive TIPS
Tips to co-construct antidote (1) via unique outcomes (#27)
Tips to co-construct antidote (2) via exception (#27)
Tips to co-construct antidote (3) via thickening preferences (#27)
Often associated with Presented Concerns such as: anguish anxiety clamming up distress getting anxious insecurity invalidation isolating lack of confidence questioning self-esteem scrutinizing hiding fear worry concern doubt panic timidity judging criticizing excluding distancing tolerating differences