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- “Anger is a statement; a way of expressing something we care about”
- “Anger is a response to frustration of one’s needs/expectations”
- “Anger can be understandable, despite not ‘agreeing’ with it”
- “Anger management can be difficult; we learn better ways throughout a whole life”
- “Anger and frustration management require time and help from caregivers”
- “It’s easier for adults to manage frustration and anger (compared to children)”
- “Helping express anger with words may prevent its expression with insults/throwing objects/hitting”
- “When anger cannot find an outlet, a child may ‘regress’ and become even more ‘primitive’”
- “Frustration of needs is probably inevitable but there are several ways in which we can manage this”
- “My child believes I don’t love them”
- “There is alternative to either ignore or impose your own needs; it´s called assertiveness”
- “My child rejects my lack of empathy/acknowledgment”