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- “My child is simply neglectful”
- “My child is unwilling to do things right”
- “My child is oppositional”
- “My child is just stupid”
- “The only way to help my child doing things right is letting them know when they are wrong”
- “Only bad friends/neglectful parents tell you that you are doing alright when you are not”
- “I have tried being nice and everything else, but nothing works with him/her”
- “What my child is doing is against my principles; I cannot tolerate it”
- “tolerating her behavior makes me complicit; I will lose authority”
- “I’m just telling the truth; I don’t like lying”
- (Feeding questioning oneself) “They know better, I deserve this”
- “I am just a kid, I have not rights”
- “I should know how to do this right on my own; I just suck”
- “I don’t have emotional needs; that’s for the weak”
- “Communicating needs is useless”
- “Nobody will understand me”
- “Nobody really cares so I won’t even try doing things better”
- Add your own